Allergy remedies help!!! ?

2008-09-29 5:00 pm
My husband has really bad allergies... (we live in TX) and every time he walks outside he has a sneezing attach, his eyes get blood shot, even when he is in the house he sneezes all the time. We keep the house clean (its this time of year, every year), he has tried everything from claritin, zyrtec, allergy shots... He doesnt have insurance so we cant take him to the dr because it is just way too expensive... Benadryll seems to help but makes him sleepy. I didnt know if anyone out there had any ideas of something that we could try to help him. I just feel so bad because there doesnt seem to be anything I can do. HELP?!?!

回答 (5)

2008-09-29 5:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I too suffer from very bad seasonal allergy. I keep two very powerful air cleaners (true HEPA filtration system) inside my house, and turn them on at full blast 24/7. It helps a lot once I am inside. I also wash my clothes on a daily basis during allergy season because pollens can attach themselves onto the fabrics and be carried into the house. I still feel miserable once I am outside though. I stopped taking allergy medication a long time ago because of the unpleasant side effects. Instead I take one 325mg aspirin during very bad days to help clear up the inflamation around my sinus. By the way, I do run a portable air cleaner at my office desk.
2008-09-29 5:09 pm
I've heard if you buy a local honey and take 1 tablespoon per day it will help. It will build up immunity. Also, I have a netty pot. It cleans out you nose with warm salt water. It will help keep the ragweed from staying in there. Good Luck!
2008-09-29 5:08 pm
My husband and I both have horrible allergies. Try some homeopathic remedies. They do wonders for us and are very affordable. The company that makes the best is called "Boiron" Here is a link to the homeopathic remedy for allergies. This stuff is awesome. I also use one of their remedies for mood swings and it works within 10 minutes. You can find this most likely at your local health food store too. Good luck with the allergies!
2008-09-29 5:06 pm
i have ideas, and tricks, because i have awful allergies, but nothing perfect.

you can try given him B6 and B12. that helps some people

When he goes outside, he could wear a dust mask. uncomfortable, and people will laugh, but it will help.
there are several types for sale here

Frequent showers and washing his hair a lot will help.

What plants are around your house?????
particularly any that are year round in Texas?

You could get rid of those, but until he has allergy tests, i don't know how you would know what plants you could use instead.

Aside from that, moving to a place with very different plants MIGHT help. no guarantees.
2008-09-29 5:03 pm

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