
2008-09-30 2:22 am
Let g(x)=6x^4-2cx+1.

a) Find g(d) and g(-d).

b) Given that g(d) = g(-d) is true for any vaule of d, find the value of g(-1).

回答 (1)

2008-09-30 2:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
a. g(d) = 6d4 - 2cd + 1

g(-d) = 6(-d)4 - 2c(-d) + 1 = 6d4 + 2cd + 1

b. Given g(d) = g(-d)

So, 6d4 - 2cd + 1 = 6d4 + 2cd + 1

4cd = 0

cd = 0

Since this is true for any value of d

So, c = 0

Hence, g(d) = 6d4 + 1

And now, g(-1) = 6(-1)4 + 1 = 6 + 1 = 7

參考: Myself~~~

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