
2008-09-30 1:24 am

回答 (2)

2008-09-30 7:13 am
hi, they are not the same.
餐桌鹽 is made of chemical, only salty, no minerals. 海鹽 is steamed out of sea-water and contains a lot of minerals from sea. however nowadays the sea is polluted a lot, so u can choose which one u would like to use.
參考: information from US health magazines
2008-09-30 1:53 am
唔一樣 ka..... 餐桌鹽係幼鹽. 淨係體積都較細 ka. 海鹽則冇經咁多化學程序淨化的. 外形呈不規則. 大小不一 ka. 而海鹽又貴過餐桌鹽的.

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