What is the benefit of e-shopping?

2008-09-29 8:02 pm
e-shopping is what?
what is the benefit?

回答 (2)

2008-09-29 10:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
e-shopping refers to the way that you purchase through internet.
Benefits to suppliers:
1) can provide a lot of information in the website
2) can allow customers to access the information and do the purchase at all time
3) can reduce costs of running a retail shop
4) can offer more choices and options compared to a traditional retail shop due to the physical size of products
5) can serve more customers at the same time
6) can allow business with customers worldwide
Benefits to customers
1) easy access to many shops and many information without really go out, that is more convenient and save time
2) easy comparison about product information
3) can do purchase any time without the burden of shop openning hour
4) can do business with all suppliers worldwide
5) potentially cheaper than traditional shop as suppliers save money in eliminating retail shop
2008-09-29 10:40 pm
It is a new kind of shopping style which you need to visit different websites that offer different good and services for you to buy. Instead of physically visit various shopping to see the products, you sit comfortably in front of the PC and see the photos of the goods. The benefit on the customers side is that you can stay at home and watch and compare different pricings and characteristics on different products. Besides, you can pay them by paypal or visa cards. On the other hand, the sellers can save the rent of shops for displaying the products and salaries on salesman/shopkeepers. Also, they can save storage costs on the unsold stock.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:06:53
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