
2008-09-29 4:17 am
In a project, Mr.Tung 's daily wage was $100 more than Mr.Pang's. Aithough My. Tung worked 3 days less than Mr.Pang, both of them earned $3600. Findthe noof days Mt. Tung worked in the project.

Give me the calculate process. thx

回答 (1)

2008-09-29 5:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
let the daily wage of mr tung be $x
then we have eqt:
(x-100)[(3600/x)+3] = 3600
3x - 360000/x -300 = 0
3x2-300x- 360000 = 0
x2-100x-120000 = 0
(x-400)(x+300) = 0
.'. x = 400 days//

2008-09-28 21:11:04 補充:
x= 400
the no. of days Mt. Tung worked in the project = 3600/400 = 9 days

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