How to help poor children in the Mainland?

2008-09-28 10:35 pm
How to help poor children in the Mainland?

( 50-70 words )

回答 (2)

2008-09-30 11:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I don't suggest you to donate money only but you can also spare your lesiure time and join the volunteers organisation to visit them, you can feel what they really need and it may not be materialsitic but also some kind of cares from you. In some rural district, they may need sone kind simply materials such as pencil, school bag, shoes and even books, you can join the organsiation to send them those materials instead of donating of money in order to avoid of corruption and mis-distribution of the resources.
2008-09-30 10:54 pm
You can donate $$.
You can donate clothes.
Ask the government to give them $$..

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