martix 問題

2008-09-28 8:57 pm
Find the value(s) of k if the following system of linear equations is inconsistent .

2x + y + z = 1
x + z = 2
x + y + (k-1)z = k*2

回答 (2)

2008-09-28 9:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案



2008-09-28 14:06:34 補充:
For k = 1,
then the three equations becomes:
2x + y + z = 1
x + z = 2
x + y = 1
Obviously, if we subtract eqt (3) from (1): we get,
x + z = 0
which contradicts the eqt (2)
So, the system has no solution and is inconsistent for k = 1
參考: Myself~~~
2008-09-28 9:40 pm
for the system of linear equations is inconsistent
You should set the coefficient determinant =0
|2 1 1 |
0=|1 0 1 |
|1 1 k-1 |
| 1 1 1 |
= | 0 0 1 |
| 2-k 1 k-1 |


=> k=1

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