is 552 multiply of 5?

2008-09-27 10:28 am

回答 (11)

2008-09-27 10:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
No because if you do math then it would be a decimal number and a decimal number isn't considered a multiple number. The last number has to be a 5 or 0 to be a multiple by 5.
2008-09-27 10:08 pm
2008-09-27 6:38 pm
No. 5 is not a multiple of 552.
2008-09-27 5:53 pm
552 is NOT a MULTIPLE of 5.
In good old days the instructors cared about
our poor voccabularies.God bless them all.
2008-09-27 5:49 pm

= 110.4 (cannot be divided completely)
2008-09-27 5:38 pm
you can see this by dividing 552 by 5, you will get 110.4. If this number were an integer (i.e and whole number like 2, 3, 4 ect) then it would be a multiple.
An example of multiples of 5 are 10, 50, and 555. try dividing these numbers buy 5 and you will see that you will get integers.
2008-09-27 5:38 pm
An integer M is called a multiple of another integer N if M/N is an integer too.
Or, in other words, M = N . P for an integer P.

In your case, 552 / 5 is 110.4 which is not an integer.
So 552 is not a multiple of 5.
2008-09-27 5:35 pm
yes, 5 x (552/5) = 552
2008-09-27 5:34 pm
Not unless you multiply 5 times 110.4
2008-09-27 5:33 pm
First of all, it's called a "multiple."

And second, No. All multiples of 5 have either a 5 or a 0 in the one's digit (the digit on the far right in whole numbers).

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