
2008-09-28 7:27 am
我會選擇修讀Fashion business的原因很簡單,我自小便對時裝很感與趣,甚到着迷,從小時候便會留意電視、雜誌等,上面那些電影明星的衣着及打扮.我不是一個天馬行空的人,沒有源源不絕的靈感,更沒法將一個個創作意念化作成實際的產品.雖然我沒有創作的能力,但我有推動的能力,將興趣變成工作,在時裝零售市場推出一個又一個的潮流,那便是我選擇修讀Fashion business的原因.

謝謝你(happyhappyangela ) 的提醒 如果係咁的話,點作比較好ar?

回答 (4)

2008-09-28 7:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
The reason why I would like to take Fashion Business is sample. I think interest in or could even said "fond of" the fashion since I was young. When I was little, I always pay attention on television, magazine for all the mix and match on movie star.

I do not have unrestrained and vigorous style that brims with talent, do not have unlimited inspiration, and always no able to turn concept into a real product. Although I do not have the creativity, I do have strong motivation. To turn interest into business, promote new fashion trend one come by another. That is the reason why I choose studying fashion business.

其實如果我係考官睇俾唔俾你入讀, 我第一個問題會問"如果沒有創作既能力, 你又點有創作力去設計市場策略去推出一個又一個的潮流?

小心呀, sell自己千其唔好話自己有咩衰野, 只係sell自己d好野好lak, 唔係會俾考官係咁針住你d 唔好野黎問~
2008-10-07 8:35 pm
True that...there are grammar errors...should check it before you post it up..=.="
2008-09-28 7:49 am
2008-09-28 7:48 am
The reason that I would like to study Fashion business is very simple. When I was small, I love to keep an eye on something about fashion. I like to watch the dress up of the movie stars on TV and magazines.

However, I am not a creative person, I do not have much inspiration about it, and even do not have the ability to turn an idea to a real product. Although I am not creative, I have motivation to turn my interest to my career to promote the product. That is why I would like to study Fashion business.

2008-09-28 23:42:13 補充:
I think your grammar have some problem. Did you translate it yourself or just use some software to translate?

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