
2008-09-28 4:12 am

在"我的電腦" 右鍵後,"管理",看到個硬碟在,仲話正常運作。
但是,我想入d 嘢入去,就話要格式化。開來看下有無入到去,又是格式化。



回答 (2)

2008-09-28 4:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
不如你叫賣比你果個人試下/叫你d fd 試下,最好試3次以上
2008-10-02 3:44 am
may be have bad sector, although it can be fix, you better ask the shop to change a new one because in normal condition the harddisk can completely format in comuter.
Suggestion: use some " low level format" tools to format can fix the problem ; want to test out the actually problem can download the "seatools" from seagate website and run this dianogistic program, it is very professional that the technical people will use it to test the problem of external hraddisc, try it(freeware)
All things you can search from the internet. OK ?

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