
2008-09-28 3:02 am

回答 (3)

2008-10-03 2:30 am
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Theories of spacesuit design
A space suit should allow its user natural unencumbered movement. Nearly all designs try to maintain a constant volume no matter what movements the wearer makes. This is because mechanical work is needed to change the volume of a constant pressure system. If flexing a joint reduces the volume of the spacesuit, then the astronaut must do extra work every time he bends that joint, and he has to maintain a force to keep the joint bent. Even if this force is very small, it can be seriously fatiguing to constantly fight against your suit. It also makes delicate movements very difficult. The work required to bend a joint is dictated by the formula

where Vi and Vf are respectively the initial and final volume of the joint, P is the pressure in the suit, and W is the resultant work. Because pressure is dictated by life support requirements, the only means of reducing work is to minimize the change in volume.

All space suit designs try to minimize or eliminate this problem. The most common solution is to form the suit out of multiple layers. The bladder layer is a rubbery, airtight layer much like a balloon. The restraint layer goes outside the bladder, and provides a specific shape for the suit. Since the bladder layer is larger than the restraint layer, the restraint takes all of the stresses caused by the pressure inside the suit. Since the bladder is not under pressure, it will not "pop" like a balloon, even if punctured. The restraint layer is shaped in such a way that bending a joint causes pockets of fabric, called "gores", to open up on the outside of the joint, while folds called "convolutes" fold up on the inside of the joint. The gores make up for the volume lost on the inside of the joint, and keep the suit at a nearly constant volume. However, once the gores are opened all the way, the joint cannot be bent any further without a considerable amount of work.
2008-10-01 1:24 am









2008-09-28 5:47 am

現在的太空衣英文名是Extravehicular Mobility Unit (EMU),主要是在太空穿梭機及太空站外進行太空漫步時穿著的。 早期的太空衣是為每個太空人度身定造的,對比之下,EMU有不同大少的組成部份,可以切合不同的太空人。 這太空衣有13層物料,包括了最內層的冷卻物料(兩層),壓力物料(兩層),防止微隕石撞擊的物料(八層)及最外面的保護(一層)。

- Maximum Absorption Garment (MAG) - 收集太空人的排泄物
- Liquid Cooling and Ventilation Garment (LCVG) - 除去太空人於太空進行工作時所產生的過量的熱
- EMU Electrical Harness (EEH) - 提供通訊器及生命儀器的連接
- Communications Carrier Assembly (CCA) - 包含了供通訊用的麥克風及耳機
- Lower Torso Assembly (LTA) - EMU的下半部份,包括了褲、膝頭、踝的接合、長靴及腰的部份
- Hard Upper Torso (HUT) - 支持各部份包括手臂、軀幹、頭盔、維持生命系統及控制組件的玻璃纖維硬殼
- Arms - 手臂
- Gloves - 外部及內部手套
- Helmet - 頭盔
- Extravehicular Visor Assembly (EVA) - 保護太空人免受強光刺傷
- In-suit Drink Bag (IDB) - 提供食水給正在進行工作的太空人
- Primary Life Support Subsystem (PLSS) - 可提供氧氣、電力、用以降溫的水、無線電設施、警告系統及除去二氧化碳
- Secondary Oxygen Pack (SOP) - 緊急氧氣供應
- Display and Control Module顯示及控制組件(DCM) - 顯示及控制PLSS
- Servicing and Cooling Umbilical (SCU) - 提供與太空穿梭機氧氣、電力、通訊及水源的連接
- Airlock Adapter Plate (AAP) - 當太空人穿上EMU時固定EMU的設施
- Helmet Lights and Camera - 提供額外照明及供地面控制監察的攝錄機
- Sleeve-mounted Mirrors and Checklists - 幫助太空人察看DCM的數據及提示太空人工作的程序
Maximum Absorption Garment (MAG)
每次太空漫步都會維持長時間,而身體不斷會製造尿液,如果走進太空穿梭機中的洗手間,太多時間會浪費在平衡太空穿梭機與太空衣的壓力程序。 因此太空人都會穿上一個吸收尿液及排泄物的布。 當工作空成後,MAG便會被棄掉。

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