
2008-09-28 12:26 am

回答 (1)

2008-09-28 1:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Here are a few hints:

1. Where is 無鍚?
2. 鍚 is tin. What does 無鍚 mean? Why is it called 無鍚?
3. Is it an old city or a new city? How old is it?
4. Is it a big city or a small city? What is its population?
5. Is it an industrial or agricultural city?
6. What is the climate like? Same as HK?
7. What food is the city famous for?
8. What can tourists see in the city?
[For sure you can think of many more questions!]

You can look up:

Here is some info from:

Wuxi Travel Guide

Wuxi MapLocation: located between north latitude 3107' - 3200', east longitude 11931' - 12036'; situated in the middle of the Yangtze Delta, Taihu Plain southeast of Jiangsu province; the Yangtze River to the north and Taihu Lake south;183 kilometers away from Nanjing, 128 kilomenters from Shanghai

Neighboring Areas: Zhejiang, Anhui, Shandong provinces and Shanghai Municipality

Physical Features: mainly plain terrain, dotted with low mountain and hills

Li GardenPopulation: 4.32 million
Urban Population: 1.73 million
Nationalities: Han, Hui and Manchu
Area: 4,650 sq km

Climatic Features: subtropical monsoon maritime climate; mild and humid with 4 distinct seasons; long frost-free period of 230 days, enough sunshine of 2000 hours annually

Average Temperature: annual average of 15.5C
Rainfall: average annual of 1000 mm

Mountains: Mt. Xishan, Mt. Huisha, Mt. Junzhang, Mt. Maji

Rivers: the Yangtze River; Taihu Lake; Jinghang Canal


There is so much info about 無鍚 on the Internet. Why don't you look around, collect some material, and try to write the 50 words yourself?

Try and you will find it is not so difficult to come up with 50 words. It is fun to produce your own work!



參考: FMIR; Internet

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:06:47
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