
2008-09-27 11:23 pm
As we all know, the dairy contamination status has not yet been under control

我想講 毒奶事件至今仍未平息

grammer有冇錯?? status 同 under control 有冇用錯??

仲有一句 After this scandal, the government should better have a stricter scrutiny to prevent similar cases happen again. scrutiny有冇用錯??

回答 (1)

2008-09-28 3:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
As we all know, the dairy contamination status has not yet been under control.

The grammar is correct.
For the word “status” I would suggest to change to “crisis” since this is a critical issue while “status” just has a moderate meaning of “condition”.

If we change to “crisis”, then it is no problem to use together with “under control”.

After this scandal, the government should better have a stricter scrutiny to prevent similar cases happen again.

scrutiny有冇用錯?? – No, it is no problem to use scrutiny.
Another word which should be more suitable is : surveillance – this word has a meaning of supervising and inspection which is more frequently used in a system.

In fact for both scrutiny or surveillance, we can add “system” after it to make it a noun phrase and to better express the idea to want to convey.
參考: Myself

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