
2008-09-27 7:42 pm

回答 (2)

2008-09-27 7:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案

你好, 少少分享。

「 14 September 2008, Sunday
Today I went to Repluse Bay in HK side with my family, totally 8 people. We left home at 13:00 in the morning & arrived destination before 14:00. It was a sunny day & the beach was very beautiful beyond my expectation. I made a 3-floor sandy castle with my younger brothers & sisters but destroyed by some naughty boys. However, we were all very happy although there was crowdy. 」

2008-09-27 8:18 pm
Today morning, I'm and i family want to beach swimming.
My father, mother is want to swimming.Sister and i is play are moer games.
In 6 o'colck we will go black home.
參考: My friend

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