
2008-09-27 5:06 pm
我想問下咩事..我dl game落黎玩...d game一係禁左冇回應..一係等成10秒到先入到game..入完又疾..部機新買的..有冇人知咩事

回答 (3)

✔ 最佳答案
check your N73 software version. input *#0000#
the latest version is V4.0812.4.0.1 -- 21-03-2008
after updated the version (from nokia.com.hk) you may need to re-download and install the game again.

2008-09-30 11:58:51 補充:
部機新買is it Chinese Version 水貨? do you save the game in the phone memory or ext card memory? check software >Tools >App Manager. it show all the games details. if it is okay .. it shows INSTALLED http://www.nokia.com.hk/A4697251 可下載Nokia N73免費S60應用程式
參考: me
2008-10-01 10:40 pm
down左之後 有機會入左係應用程式是但一個file度
可能你會係game見到個game 但要入個game未必係那個file
2008-09-27 8:52 pm
你試下download其他game試下,可能有d game你部機支援唔到!!!!

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