中五 drop 會計問題

2008-09-27 8:12 am
我都唔知 drop 唔drop會計好,,其實唔係太跟得上(但又唔係完全跟唔上,,)同埋成日唔想溫會計,,,,但中4的 exam 全部合格的,,,岩岩好個種

但讀得6(for) 係咪唔係咁好?

如果連學校個d會計 都唔係太跟得上,,會考會計係咪實肥?


回答 (3)

2008-09-28 6:00 am
✔ 最佳答案

I do not suggest you drop the PA because after drop the PA ,you only study 6 subject , it means that you need to get 2C and 4 D (14 marks) and you can
study F6 ,it is so difficult to get D grad in English except you are in English

I can not answer you will you fail in PA in CE because I do not know
which school you study, if you study Band 1 School, it may be pass in CE if
you pass in the school, because most of the Band 1 School exam is more
difficult than CE. However, if you study Band 2 or 3 School, it is hard to

I suggest you do more and try your best, if you hard work enough , you
can pass, I know that PA need a lot time to do 1 Question, sometimes may be
do 1 Qquestion over 1 hour.....Remeber after you do it, remember what you
wrong and remember the correct method are important for you to study!

If you have any Question about PA , try to ask your teacher and class mates
or ask in yahoo 知識, may be I can answer your Question!!

Good Luck in HKCE!
參考: me ( I study PA in CE andAL )
2008-10-06 8:50 am
There are so many reasons for you to KEEP accounting:
1. You need this subject to play safe for a full certificate.
2. Accounting is the most practical subject that is easy to link with day to day life.
3. It is definitely helpful to look for job when you have this subject in your certificate.
4. Accounting is similar to Mathematices. It is a matter of pracitce and calculation. No hard memory required.
5. We say "accounting" is the business language. To learn business, you need to learn accounting first.
6. You are just on marginal case. As you said, 又唔係完全跟唔上!
7. 成日唔想溫會計, because you do not develop "love" with it. Try to think about daily life when you study accounting. Tell your family or your friends the accounting concept whenever possible. They will look at you with amazing eyes.

My last suggestion:-
Try more past exam paper. Read the questions and copy the answers as much as possible. Test yourself if you can copy the answer within the time limit. This is the secret of my success in HKCEE.
2008-09-28 5:45 am
我有個fd f5都讀過會計
我言念比D心機一定追到 而且你仲有好多時間

而且6科 萬一一科失手咪連full cert都無埋?

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