
2008-09-27 5:31 am
船公司於9月20號收我35箱貨後要走飛機給客人, 但他們係貨倉唔見左我一箱貨, 現在要向船公司索償, 貨價, 應該點打呢?

回答 (3)

2008-09-27 3:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Date: 27th September, 2008
Our ref: 2008/L001
To whom it may concern,

Subject: Compensation for the missing item
Your delivery note number: 0012345

We handed in 35 boxes of goods to your company on 20th September, 2008. As we decided to transport these material by air, we request for return of our goods. However, your staff told us that one box was missing.

We now request a compensation from your company for the blunder in storing our goods. We now request a compensation of HK$XXXX (which include the material cost, the damage to the our company reputation and expenses involved in purchasing a new item by air to our client.) Enclosed the calculation method of the compensation amount.

Please issue a cheque payable to our company at HK$XXXX for compensating our losses involved.

If you require further information, please contact our Miss XXX at 2123 4567 during office hour.

Yours faithfully,
For and on behalf of
(Your company name here)

Authorized signature

2008-09-27 07:36:45 補充:
We handed in 35 units of goods on 20th September, however when we request the return of our goods from the shipping company. The Shipping company has discovered one box was lost.

We require the Shipping Company to compensate our lost due to their carelessness in storage.
2008-09-27 8:59 am
To the shipping company,
Your officer received thirsty-five boxes from us on September 20, it was shipping to my client by the air-cargo. However, my client went to your warehourse, they discovered there is one box missing.
We would like to discuss with you in person regarding the missing product. Thank you for attending.
2008-09-27 7:13 am
Shipping companies on September 20, I received 35 boxes after the cargo plane to go to the guests, but they do not see the Department of warehouse, I left a box of goods, now claims to the shipping companies, the value that?
參考: me

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