
2008-09-27 4:14 am
what will clown do?

please say in English

回答 (3)

2008-09-27 1:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In the circus, a clown might perform another circus role:

Walk a tightrope, a highwire, a slack rope or a piece of rope on the ground, though in the last case, the predictably unpredictable clown might be just as likely to wrestle around on the ground with it, as if it were a boa constrictor.
Ride a horse, a zebra, a donkey, an elephant or even an ostrich.
Substitute himself in the role of "lion tamer".
Act as "emcee", from M.C. or Master of Ceremonies, the preferred term for a clown taking on the role of "Ringmaster".
"Sit in" with the orchestra, perhaps in a "pin spot" in the center ring, or from a seat in the audience.
Anything any other circus performer might do. It is not uncommon for an acrobat, a horse-back rider or a lion tamer to secretly stand in for the clown, the "switch" taking place in a brief moment offstage.
2008-09-27 6:51 am
A clown will makes people happy by making them laugh. He/she will play funny tricks on people and themselves, tell jokes, and make funny faces.
參考: NOT from any non-sense online translators, nor brainless translation machines.
2008-09-27 6:02 am
A clown can play funny tricks.

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