
2008-09-26 7:42 pm
請問趙世曾先生的三位太太分別是誰 ?她們分別有幾個兒女?

回答 (2)

2008-09-26 7:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
As far as I know, he did not get married with any lady. I mean not legally married, no marriage cert. as he is afraid of sharing his assets with his women.
2008-09-26 7:50 pm
趙世曾先生 = 姚瑋女士 (已離異)

趙式芝女士 (由姚瑋所出)
趙式浩先生 (由蔡盈盈所出)
趙式正先生 (由郝樂黛Terri Holladay所出)
即三位太太分別為姚瑋、蔡盈盈、郝樂黛Terri Holladay, 二子一女的資料見上。

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