有關 HMV party's tickets (入場卷)

2008-09-26 7:24 pm
我有時見到街d有關party的海報話要買非就去 HMV 到買 或者到時 walk in,但我見去 HMV 到買係會平d既,我想知點先可以買到呢,去邊間HMV 買呀?同埋入到去係唔係問個收銀呀? 急需知道,因為我最喜愛的 DJ KASKADE將在 17/10 第一次來港攪野。 THX X 1000

回答 (1)

2008-09-28 2:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you just need to walk in to HMV's counter and tell them what ticket you want and they will do that for you... just like after you picked a CD and go for the payment.... same thing...
usually every HMVs do the selling unless specified

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