希望我這個安排, 不會帶來不便之處 ~ translate to English

2008-09-26 6:19 pm
希望我這個安排, 不會帶來不便之處
Hope my arrangment above won't be caused any inconvenience for you.

希望我的決定, 對你不會有太大影響

Hope there are no any impact based on my decision

以上對嗎, 不對的話如何寫最佳呢

回答 (3)

2008-09-26 7:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
希望我這個安排, 不會帶來不便之處
Hope my arrangement won't cause any inconvenience to you

希望我的決定, 對你不會有太大影響
Hope my decision won't create any impact to you.
2008-09-26 7:59 pm

希望我這個安排, 不會帶來不便之處
I hope this arrangement will not bring any inconvenience to you.

希望我的決定, 對你不會有太大影響
I hope that you will not be affected too much by my decision.
2008-09-26 6:40 pm

你好, 少少交流。

希望我這個安排, 不會帶來不便之處。 (或) 這個安排如有不便之處, 請多見諒。
1) Hope there is no any inconvenience caused from the arrangement for you.
2) Sorry for any inconvenience caused for the arrangement.

希望我的決定, 對你不會有太大影響。 (或) 如我的決定對你產生影響, 請原諒。
1) Hope there is no any impact based on my decision.
2) Please accept my apologise if any impact occured based on my decision.


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