I want to lose weight and am thinking about starving myself since I'm so desperate.PLEASE HELP!!!!!!?

2008-09-25 6:39 pm
weight.I used to throw up in the car a LOT when I was little so that slowed down my metabolism TOOOOOONSSS so I'm a whale now.I weigh 140lbs and I'm 5'5.HUGE I know ) = !!What the heck do I have to do to lose weight besides exercise?????

回答 (40)

2008-09-27 11:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) The very first thing u should keep in your mind and that is the extra weight u put on didn’t come in overnight so it is not possible and also unrealistic to take it off quickly. You have to show patience. Please remember learning to eat well and exercise is the only solution to long-term weight loss.
2) The 2nd important thing is that your body weight is controlled by the number of calories you eat and the number of calories you use each day. So, if you consume fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight. You can do this by becoming more physically active or by eating less.
3) The 3rd important thing is never skip ur meal or go to a crash diet. Don’t ever try to starve urself. It is very important to understand that when you skip a meal or go on a crash diet, the result is that it slows your metabolism to conserve your energy. And when you lose weight too quickly for a few days, your body thinks it is threatened with starvation and goes into survival mode. It fights to conserve your fat stores. There fore keep in mind never try to skip ur meal, especially breakfast and always try to take food on time
4) Before starting any type of diet, weight yourself and note ur whole body measurement in a dairy. Then after every week weigh your self again and compare with earlier measurements and see how much weight u r losing. Record a goal that you can reach in one month that is 4 to 8 pounds less than you weigh now. Set a goal you know you can achieve.

Now some tips how to set ur diet plan.
5) Start taking your food with out any oil. Try to use boiled/steamed vegetables, meat, and lot of salad. U can eat fruits too and boiled/steamed chicken or red meat too but no pork. Please note and put it in ur mind that nothing fried or oily.
6) Try to chew ur every food for atleast 20 times. And then swallow it into ur stomach.
7) No Potato Please. It is strictly forbidden during this diet
8) No Junk Food Please.
9) Drink at least 3 ltr of water daily. Make ur habit to drink water as much as u can. Rather take a bottle of water with you all the time, when you feel starving, drink it as much as u can.
10) Make you habit to use brown bread.
11) use skimmed and low fat milk and yogurt
12) Sugar is strictly forbidden in this diet plan.
13) First try to avoid any type of soft drink but if u really wants to taste some thing sweet then drink any soft drink (but not cola), but just one glass once in a week.
14) Eat at least once in a day a vegetable soap or Thai soup ( as ur dinner or lunch), as much as u can but no corn flour in it.
15) Just look at your food portion. It is much better to eat several small meals a day (like 5-6 healthy meals a day) than eat either one or two or three huge meal a day.
16) The most important factor in any weight loss plan is how many calories you consume each day,and eating too few is the most common mistake. Divide ur diet into 5-6 healthy meals a day (1 plate size only)
17) one bowl of oatmeal can be taken as a break fast
18) No hard drink of any type is allowed in this diet.
19) Smoking strictly forbidden in this diet
20) Watch out ur every drink and every single piece of ur food. Stay away from fatty foods, junk foods, synthetic foods, foods with preservatives and too much carbohydrate. Don’t try to take foods that are made of white flour for example white bread, cakes, pasta etc and food contain sugar such as cookies, ice cream, candy etc.
21) Remember after every 15 days you can take once in a while with a little treat any thing u like. But remember just a small portion. For example one small personal pizza or one small burger or small pastry.
22) Try to adopt some healthy timing. Early to rise and early to bed. No late sittings.
23) People usually want Quick and Easy result, we all are impatient. You have to be patient in terms of your weight loss and never give up. Always keep in mind that slow and steady win the race.
24) At least take this diet for 3 to 6 months and when u feel that u have achieved your desired weight then make this is as a Life Style change for you entire life. Remember do not focus on just losing weight; try to concentrate on diet plan forever so that you will never have to loose weight again. But occasionally u can take other junk food too.
25) You have to keep in mind that above plan is a not a quick thin program. Don’t try to deceive ur body. It will destroy your metabolism and in the future the proportion of gaining weight is much higher and easier than today.
26) Never ever go for any type of Diet pills or any drug which claim that it will reduce the weight quickly. Taking Diet pills will kill u.
27) The goal of your diet and weight loss plan should not be to lose weight, but to lose body fat. Exercise, in particular weight bearing exercise that builds muscle, will help prevent muscle loss and keep your metabolism from slowing. It's also necessary to eat nutritious, well-balanced meals in order to maintain muscle and supp
2008-09-25 6:53 pm
Please don't become anorexic! Just go on a well known diet plan. If you do not like exercising, just walk everyday.
2008-09-25 6:48 pm
Really, exercise is the only way to lose weight.
Like i go running everyday to keep fit.
2016-08-31 1:53 am
watch one less hour of tv
2016-08-16 4:20 pm
people who eat breakfast have a better shot at losing and maintaining weight loss
2016-07-07 4:46 pm
better yet get moving with the gamecubes dance dance revolution mario mix for 24 minutes
2016-07-05 8:14 pm
eat 5 6 small meals a day instead of 3
2016-07-04 10:35 am
put down the soda for a calorie free glass of water
2016-06-27 3:58 pm
a pedometer can help keep track of your steps if you re not getting 10 000 steps a day you re not moving enough
2016-05-28 1:19 pm
the mix of cardio and toning five times a week will keep metabolism humming
2016-05-21 1:29 pm
dust your office weekly
2016-05-21 6:28 am
rearrange your furniture for 17 minutes
2016-05-17 8:53 pm
order the smallest portion of everything
2016-05-16 10:18 pm
Don t go back to old eating habits even after you lose weight
2016-05-06 2:45 pm
Avoid bringing your favourite food into your home
2016-04-27 4:53 pm
Keep fruits and veggies in the fridge to use for snaks
2016-04-22 12:40 am
wash your car instead of taking it through the car wash
2016-04-06 3:40 pm
If this is what your doctor has said you need to report him, even people who are obese like myself are still told to eat and given a diet plan that is more than dont eat until you feel really hungry. Go to another doctor and ask them, generally 1000 calories is suggested for those who are obese and not eating past 7 with regular exercise, eating three meals a day and not snacking , or if you have to keeping within the 1000 and having an apple of something.
2016-04-02 12:25 pm
when you need to brainstorm do it while walking
2016-03-19 10:45 am
run 5 percent of a marathon at a 10 minute mile pace
2016-03-04 4:54 pm
yoga may be relaxing but you can also get a good workout an hour of yoga can burn up to 350 calories
2016-02-19 10:39 am
don t exercise on an empty stomach
2016-02-18 9:26 am
Don t drink soda regularly
2016-02-02 11:15 am
eat protein
2016-01-27 12:58 pm
take a brisk walk before lunch or dinner
2016-01-26 5:43 am
To know how much calories you have to eat just add zero to your weight
2016-01-20 1:31 pm
Use fast beat albums while you work out
2016-01-20 12:53 pm
45 minute jog at a 10 minute mile pace
2016-01-04 6:53 am
3 hours of shopping
2016-01-04 4:21 am
don t eat out of a bottomless bag
2015-12-30 5:53 am
kick off your sunday shoes and dance to the first four songs off the footloose soundtrack
2015-12-16 1:53 am
exercise each day is more effective than weekend workouts
2008-09-25 6:58 pm
Eat healthy. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables. Drink water only. Have whole-meal bread + pasta instead of white.
2008-09-25 6:50 pm
5'5" and 140 pounds isn't bad. you are not a whale and if you think you are then please see a doctor right away. anorexia and bulimia are very serious diseases.
5"5 you can weigh up to 155 and be fine. if you have a small frame then you could possibly weigh as low as 120.
you need to talk to a doctor before you do anything that might hurt yourself. seriously this is no joke.
and starving yourself doesn't work it only makes things worse.
2008-09-25 6:49 pm
Luna, what you're thinking about doing is extremely unhealthy both physically and mentally. If you starve yourself, you will open yourself up for major medical problems as well as even more mental issues. You'll be opening the door for a long war with your own brain. Please don't do this.

Talk to a NUTRITIONALIST and see what they have to say. This is exactly what they do for a living. They're experts.

Even if you're 140 lbs, you not dangerously overweight.
2008-09-25 6:49 pm
As someone who has been in recovery for an eating disorder for 2 years now I would advise you not to starve yourself or throw up your food. Also, you are not huge! If you would like to loose weight the secret is 6 small meals a day and a lot, alot , alot of water. Water flushes out your system, not only will you lose weight but you will feel all around better. Be smart and Healthy
2008-09-25 6:48 pm
omg dont do that!its not good for ur health and believe me i use to do the same thing and i ended up in the hospital! so yea i would say take pills if u want to loose wieght faster. if u dont want to excersie then just eat healthy.minimize the junk food!
best way to loose it in 6 months gurl if u just take a fitness class at ur nearby college or school.or at a gym!
it will be worth it believe me!
2008-10-01 5:07 am
Calm down, you're not alone. I can help you achieve any goal you have. Check out: http://www.freelosewieghtnow.com
參考: I am a Wellness Coach
2008-09-25 6:55 pm
You are not overweight because you used to get carsick as a child. You are overweight because you take in more calories than you expend.

If you cannot control this yourself, you should get professional help. Don't lie to them or to yourself. The sooner you get on track, the better you will feel.

Being obese is dangerous. I should know. I was and it nearly cost me my life when I had a stroke at an early age. I couldn't walk, talk, or even feed myself.

Please get help.
2008-09-25 6:51 pm
i just eat little bits throughout the day, little bits. so that you never get too hungry and over do it. exercise is always best. also , when ever i'm hungry i drink water or milk and then after a few sips i realize i wasn't really too hungry. hope this helps .... ;)

(ps. i am like, 5'2" and weigh 80 lbs, so we could be totally different with height, also i was recently in the hospital (not for anorexia or anything like that) so that effects things.)

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