f.4 phys,,,mechanics,,

2008-09-26 5:01 am
Calculate the thinking distance, braking distance and hence the stopping distance of a car travelling at 100kmh^-1, assuming an average reaction time of 0.7s and a uniform decelaration of 5ms^-2.

回答 (1)

2008-09-26 5:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
Initial velocity, u = 100 kmh-1 = 27.78 ms-1

Acceleration, a = -5 ms-2

Final velocity, v = 0

a. For the thinking distance, the car is moving at uniform velocity

Thinking distance, d = ut = (27.78)(0.7) = 19.44 m

b. By v2 = u2 + 2as

0 = (27.78)2 + 2(-5)s

Braking distance, s = 77.16 m

Stopping distance = d + s = 19.44 + 77.16 = 96.60 m

參考: Myself~~~

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