
2008-09-26 2:08 am

回答 (6)

2008-09-26 3:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
Coil the pencil with a piece of wire for one turn.
Then put the wire onto a ruler.
Then the circumference of the pencil is known.

完整版: (加多幾個step, 更加完整)
Coil the pencil with a piece of wire for one turn.
Mark the place where the coiled end of the wire meets with the wire.
Then, straighten the wire and measure the mark with a ruler.
Hence, the circumference of the pencil is known.

2008-09-28 3:54 pm


Use a steel wire to wrap around the pencil once. Then put the (straightened)wire along a ruler and you will know(find out) how long the circumference of the pencil is.


Use a steel wire to wrap around the pencil once. Then measure the straightened wire on a ruler and you will find out what the length of the circumsference of the pencil is.
2008-09-26 4:50 am

With a sky will pencil tied a ring,and then the iron - and - drop in ruler on the,you know that pencil depends how long.

2008-09-26 4:47 am
Coil the pencil with a piece of wire for one turn.
Mark the place where the coiled end of the wire meets with the wire.
Then, straighten the wire and measure the mark with a ruler.
Hence, the circumference of the pencil is known.
2008-09-26 3:18 am
Ties up with the iron wire the pencil, then puts the iron wire on
ruler on, knew the pencil the circumference has long
2008-09-26 2:43 am
Will be tied with wire around a pencil, and then the wire on the rulers, knew how long the circumference of a pencil.

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