Final A/C - Year End Adjustments

2008-09-25 8:57 am
On 31 March 1996
Motor Vehicles - at cost...16,000---Office furniture - at cost...26,200
Provision for depreciation - Motor Vehicles...(cr)...7,200
Provision for depreciation - Office Furniture...(cr)...9,600
Depreciation is to be provided as follows:
Office furniture - 20% reducing balance basis.
Motor Vehicles - 15% on straight-line basis.
Depreciation is charged on a pro rata basis in the year of acquisition and
(1) On 1 Jan 1996, a motor vehicle which had been purchased for
$ 10,000 on 1 April 1993 was sold for $ 2,650. There was no record regarding
this transaction.
a) Trading,P/L account for the year ended 31 March 1996
b) Balance Sheet as at that date
Thank you

回答 (2)

2008-09-26 12:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
For the disposal of motor vehicle,
the cost is $10,000;
Provision for Depreciation is $10,000 x 15% (straight-line method) x 2.75yrs (2 yrs and 9 mths) = $4,125;
Sales proceeds is $2,650;
Loss on disposal is $3,225 (Sales Proceeds $2,650 - N.B.V ($10,000 - $4,125)

Adjustment should be:
Dr. Provision for Depreciation - Motor Vehicles $4,125
Dr. Loss on Disposal $3,225
Dr. Bank/Cash $2,650
Cr. Motor Vehicles $10,000

(as there is no information about whether the depreciation has been provided or not, i deem it has not yet provided)

Depreciation for the year:
Office Furniture: ($26,200 - $9,600) x 20% = $3,320
Motor Vehicles: $10,000 x 15% x 0.75 (9mths) + $6,000 x 15% = $2,025

Adjustment should be:
Dr. Depreciation $5,345 ($3,320 + $2,025)
Cr. Provision for Depreciation - Motor Vehicles $2,025
Cr. Provision for Depreciation - Office Furniture $3,320

Base on the information avaiable:
Deperciation $5,345
Loss on Disposal $3,225

Motor Vehicles $6,000
Provision for Depreciation - Motor Vehicles $5,100
Office Furniture $26,200
Provision for Depreciation - Office Furnituer $12,920
2008-09-26 12:46 am
No Trading account in this question.

Prov for Depn-MV
Depn for Yr.1996 = 16,000 x 15% x 9/12 = 1,800

1/4/93-31/3/94 Cost :16,000 Acc Depn: 2,400 NBV:13,600
1/4/94-31/3/95 Cost: 16,000 Acc Depn: 4,800 NBV:11,200
1/4/95-31/12/95 Cost: 16,000 Acc Depn: 6,600 NBV: 9,400

Prov for Den-OF
Yr.1 Cost: 26,200 Depnfor Yr.1: 5,240 NBV: 20,960
Yr.2 Cost: 20,960 Depn for Yr.2: 4,192 NBV: 16,768

Loss on disposal of MV=16,000-6,600-2,650=6,750

P&L A/C For the Yr Ended 31 March 1996

Depn for OF 4,192
Depn for MV 1,800
Loss on Disposal 6,750
Total 12,742

B/S As At 31 March 1996

OF Cost= 26,200 Prov for Depn= 9,432 NBV=16,768

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 19:53:24
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