美國的community college

2008-09-25 8:22 am
聽人講美國的community college等於香港的ive..
如果community college冇話邊間好定唔好...
咁讀無論邊間會唔會一樣有0.0001%機會入到top U
若Foothill college同Dean college相比... 一間公立一間私立....
邊間既質素會好d.. 即係邊間比較多人/易入出名大學?
聽d agent講就話Dean好d.....又話Dean係名校捷徑...
另外我想知讀ESL大概要幾耐時間...我CE得lv 2= =

回答 (3)

2008-09-25 9:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hmm, I'm currently studying at the community college and I really don't think its equivalent with IVE wor.......
Its more like an associate degreee or something.
Some locals who don't wanna take SAT or bombed the SAT and those who wanna save money would choose to go to community college first then transfer to 4-year college...
basically all community colleges are pretty much the same coz they get the same fundings from the government (i'm talking about public JC)
BUT there're always some colleges that are more well-equipped and have better faculty.......

I would say it's mostly depended on your school performance and other factors( like volunteering, intern.....etc)
參考: personal experience
2008-09-30 1:12 am
CC is not really IVE type school as most people answered. But the quality will be around the same as IVE because those who have the ability and know what they want to do will simply go straight to 4-year college. So there is no good or bad. And remember community college has no minimum admission requirement since it is for community (except international student). So the student quality is a major concern.

When you say about top university, first of all you have to realize that in general principal, top public university must reserve their admission to the domestic students within the same state. For instance, at least 50% UC Berkeley students are California resident. Also, a lot of those universities require all student to perform community services in order to aware their involvement to the society. This is not something that an international student can be easily done. The most important thing is those universities limit the number of community college transfer very much.

In your case, if you really want to in a top school, choose one then find more about its admission information. Then find a school in the same state. It should be a easiest way for you.
2008-09-25 2:37 pm
我目前在美國唸大學中, 希望能夠解答到您的問題=)

首先是美國的Community College (下稱CC),
其實是並不等於香港的IVE。 (雖然亦有人認為是)
但最大分別的是, CC是有分兩種,
但同時間部份CC是有提供四年制課程, 即畢業後等同大學畢業。
當然, 普遍進入CC的學士都是以能夠轉到較好的大學為目標。

而同時間在CC修讀兩年制課程畢業而未有升讀大學(TRANSFER)修讀餘下兩年的學生, 就可以稱作副學士畢業。
美國的認受性絕對高很多, 而這點是跟香港有著極大差異。
但由於美國大學太多, 所以大多都能夠升讀大學。

CC在當時我到美國前詢問過專業的意見, 他們的意見是沒有太大的分別。但當然最理想是您目標在哪所大學, 從而選擇一間較接近的CC來讀比較方便, 亦能藉此知道更多附近大學的資料。

而進入您所指的TOP U, 我個人認為並非在於學校的質素,
這裡不比香港, 例如中學收生面試時會問您在哪所小學畢業從而成為評核的一項標準。
進入了美國的CC, 每年所修讀的學分(CREDITS)及科目, 每一個學期得出來的成績(GPA)很大程度上就是您能否進入好大學的關鍵。
亦大約相等於中學的會考, 預科的高考般, 以您的成績來決定能否進入您所指的TOP U。

是您個人本身, 正如BAND1學校有人能進入香港大學, BAND3學校亦一樣可以。

只是FOOTHILL好像是處於一個比較偏僻的位置, 交通而言不太方便。
但兩所收生要求都不是太高, 而且的確是一個進入理想大學的踏跳版, 正如我剛才所言, 一切都是要以GPA成績來決定,
就算您真的進入了這兩所學院, 都不等於您能進入好的大學。
以GPA 4分為滿分而言, 總不能只有2.6-2.X就想進入好大學。

個人不太認識DEAN COLLEGE, 但認為FOOTHILL COLLEGE存有一個頗嚴重的問題就是華人太多的情況, (剛好有朋友在那裡讀書)

ESL的科目, 我不太了解COLLEGE的程序。(我是直接讀大學的)
連續兩個學期都讀ESL + 一些基本學分。
參考: 自己 及 以前詢問agents的資料。

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