I need more Disney Princesses!?

2008-09-24 11:04 pm
Okay my girl scout troop has around 10 girls in it. we have to dress up for Halloween spooktacular and i think we should do disney princesses. is there more then 8 i need answers fast i leave in twenty min. thanks Love ya

take your time


thanks ill use alice from alice in wonderland but i dont know who kari is

回答 (2)

2008-09-24 11:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Just a sec...

1. Ariel
2. Belle
3. Jasmine
4. Cinderella
5. Aurora/Sleeping Beauty
6. Mulan
7. Snow White
8. Pocahontas
9. Alice
10. Kairi
2008-09-25 6:20 am
Snow White.

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