
2008-09-25 7:02 am

you are kenny smith,shop manager of av station which is local electrical appliance wholesaler. your shop ordered 200 jupitor dvd players from jupitor co ltd. the products were shipped to kwai chung port on 10 march 2005.

on arrival, your staff found that one of the cases, no.10, has bee torn. twenty-three of the listed 36 dvd players were damaged. you called the local surveyou to inspect the damage in the presence of the shopping agent. a report of the damage was prepared for you

you are now required to write a complaint letter to mr david morrow, sales manager of jupitor co ltd about this situation. you want them to replace the damaged goods and help in dealing with the insurance claim

hints: 1) describe what has happened - it should contain the information stated above. 2) request for replacement and help in dealing with the insurance claim - you should stare cleatly what you want here 3)thank jupitor co ltd for the help - you should be polite in ending this letter

回答 (4)

2008-09-25 8:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
To : Jupitor Company Ltd. Date : (Needed for letter)

Attention : Mr. David Morrow – Sales Manager

Please note I am writing to discuss the issue arising from your shipment of our order placed to your Company for 200 pieces DVD Players shipped to Kwai Chung Port on March 10, 2005 as per our contract number (if available).

Upon receipt of the captioned goods, our staff found that case number 10 has been torn, while 23 pieces out of the total 36 pieces DVD Players per the packing list were found damaged. We called upon XXX Surveying Company to inspect the damaged products with the presence of the shipping agent. An official report of the damage has been prepared by the surveyor. Please find attached copy of the surveying report.

Please note we need to solve this problem urgently and we propose the following remedial actions :

1. Please immediately replace the 23 pieces damaged DVD Players to us with soonest delivery. Delay in such replacement may lead us to more damages in our selling process. Please kindly revert what is the best delivery for the replacement goods.

2. As per the surveying report the case number 10 has already damaged upon arrival of Kwai Chung Port. Hence we are in the position of initiating a claim to the insurance company. For this purpose please provide any evidence you have in record on how the goods was transported from your factory to the shipping agent. It will be very helpful if you have photos on how the cases were packed ex-factory.

We fully understand the problem will cause damages in both of our Companies. However we hope you can understand we cannot remedy the damage without your Company’s assistance.

Should you need any further information from our end to process the above request, please feel free to let me know and I will be more than willing to supply such information to you immediately.

2008-09-25 00:41:47 補充:
Thanks and Best Regards

Kenny Smith
Shop Manager
AV Station Electrical Appliance Company
參考: Myself
2008-09-26 1:24 am
Dear Mr. David Morrow,

Greetings from AV Station. I am writing this letter regarding some damages was found in the cargo which arrived on 10th March 2005.

200 pieces of Jupitor DVD Player has been shipped by your Company and it has been arrived to Hong Kong (Kwai Chung Port) on 10th March 2005, case No. 10 was found torn and 23 pieces of DVD player were damaged upon arrival.

First of all, we would like those damaged DVD player to be replace in your earliest convenience. Secondly, we would like to discuses the insurance claim with your Company since a well protected packing on delivery should be a responsibilAs per the surveying report the case number 10 has already damaged upon arrival of Kwai Chung Port. Hence we are in the position of initiating a claim to the insurance company. For this purpose please provide any evidence you have in record on how the goods was transported from your factory to the shipping agent. It will be very helpful if you have photos on how the cases were packed ex-factory.

We fully understand the problem will cause damages in both of our Companies. However we hope you can understand we cannot remedy the damage without your Company’s assistance.

Should you need any further information from our end to process the above request, please feel free to let me know and I will be more than willing to supply such information to you immediatelyBest regards,
Kenny Smith
2008-09-25 4:05 pm
兩個回答都非常好,不過睇落 001 baggio4182007 專業D咁喎 :)
2008-09-25 9:03 am
Dear Mr. David Morrow,

Greetings from AV Station. I am writing this letter regarding some damages was found in the cargo which arrived on 10th March 2005.

200 pieces of Jupitor DVD Player has been shipped by your Company and it has been arrived to Hong Kong (Kwai Chung Port) on 10th March 2005, case No. 10 was found torn and 23 pieces of DVD player were damaged upon arrival.

First of all, we would like those damaged DVD player to be replace in your earliest convenience. Secondly, we would like to discuses the insurance claim with your Company since a well protected packing on delivery should be a responsibility of your Company, a copy of the damage report which prepared by a local surveyor has been enclosed for your reference.

Thank you very much for your assistant and looking forward to hear from you shortly.

Best regards,
Kenny Smith
AV Station
參考: moi-même

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