升學問題 - 關於心理學學士和臨床心理學碩士

2008-09-25 5:22 am
我係應屆高考生, 看過很多心理學書, 對心理學有濃厚興趣, 希望做臨床心理學家, 知道hku 同cu都有得讀psych, 正煩應讀hku還是cu psycho.

1.請問讀完hku的social science major in psychology 可以立即apply master of clinical psychology?要不要讀post-graduate diploma in psychology?

2.post-graduate diploma in psychology的收生條件是怎樣? 要minor in psychology嗎? 如果bachelor係social work (無minor psycho)可唔可/要唔要讀post-graduate diploma in psychology?

3. cu有無得minor in psychology? 條件是什麼?

4.hku bachelor in social science major in psychology同cu bachelor of psychology的認受性有無分別? 我知hku 的social science 可以讀其他唔關psycho事的科, 2個course係咪得呢個分別?

5.係咪major讀psycho入到master 的機會大d? master 的收生取決於什麼?

回答 (1)

2008-09-27 4:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hi, i am a 心理學 Enrollment Officer of a (U.S. University Hong Kong Campus) You also know 心理學 is very hard in their entry requirement in Hong Kong, as i remember HKU/CU will only oofer 40 seats each to A-Level student.

if you want to apply HKU Master, the entry requirement is holding a 心理學 Degree + the degree is approved by Hong Kong Psychological Association)

major讀psycho入到master 的機會 sure high % Master 收生 取決於 your result,

Like in my University 心理學 Student, they need to get G.P.A average 3.3-3.6 (Honor) then HKU/CU will give them offer. they will also see how many 心理學 subjects you take in your Bachelor, are they enough to go to master? if not graduate Diploma.

This is only part of my experience, honestly studying a Bachelor of Psychology no need to care which University. but in the degree include as many as PSY Subjects are always good for you to apply for the master.

有興趣Email我 [email protected]
同你傾傾, 希望幫到你

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