翻譯 (from 中文 to 英文) very simple~

2008-09-25 3:51 am
"會考成績是拉curve計" 的英文是甚麼?

回答 (4)

2008-09-28 2:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
香港人講拉curve只是中英並用的口語法,用英文來說,不會用數學上的curve來形容成績(或評級,即Grades) 的分佈。拉curve是將評級按比例地分配,所以英文是
The school certificate examination results are on pro-rata basis.
The allocation of grades in the school certficate examination is on pro-rata basis.
參考: me
2008-09-27 11:47 pm
The area-wide student examination result pulls the curve idea
2008-09-26 7:13 am
According to HKCEE report, it follow calculating all curve
2008-09-25 5:10 am
會考成績是拉curve計 :
Result of HKCEE is on a percentage basis using the curving formula.
參考: Myself

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