a tale of two cities

2008-09-25 1:31 am
a tale of two cities 嘅第一段至第四段簡介

回答 (1)

2008-09-29 11:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你想了解雙城記第一至第四「段」的內容大意?不知你說的是原裝版本或精簡了的學生讀本, 所以不能給你仔細的回答.但你可以參考以下的資料, 是 Chapter 1 的 summary, 相信已包含你想要找的內容:The year is 1775, and life in England and France seems paradoxically the best and the worst that it can be. The rulers and ruling classes of both countries may have the best of life, but they are out of touch with the common people and believe that the status quo will continue forever.In France, inflation is out of control and an oppressive social system results in intolerable and extreme injustices being committed against average citizens, who believe they have the worst of life. The breaking point — riotous rebellion — is near, and the populace of France secretly but steadily moves toward revolution.Meanwhile, in England, people give spiritualists and the supernatural more attention than the revolutionary rumblings from American colonists, and an ineffective justice system leads to widespread violence and crime. While the English and French kings and queens carelessly ignore the unrest and misery prevalent in their countries, silent forces guide the rulers and their people toward fate and death.http://www.cliffsnotes.com/WileyCDA/LitNote/A-Tale-of-Two-Cities-Summary-Analysis-and-Original-Text-by-Chapter-Book-the-First-Chapter-1-The-Period.id-126,pageNum-14.html可在此找到 其他 chapters 的 summary:http://www.cliffsnotes.com/WileyCDA/LitNote/id-126.html

2008-09-29 15:32:26 補充:
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