唱歌走音, 英文點講?

2008-09-25 12:42 am
請問 唱歌走音, 英文點講?

回答 (5)

2008-09-25 1:04 am
song off the key

2008-09-24 17:05:02 補充:
song off the key
參考: me
2008-09-25 1:01 am

singing away tone

2008-09-25 12:50 am
out of tune
一定系, 因為我 form 1 本英文 course book 有
冇走音: in tune
參考: form 1 longmen course book
2008-09-25 12:47 am
唱歌走音="Sings the footstep"
參考: me!!

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