past tense 的2種用法?

2008-09-24 8:38 pm
1) She was cry in the class.
2) She cried in the class.

呢2句都係past tense, 但係有咩分別?
幾時唔洗加was,直接把動詞+ed ?

回答 (4)

2008-11-29 9:06 pm
1 wrong 2 clooect
2008-09-25 3:44 am
1) She was crying in the class
- was crying( past continuous tense)

2) She cried in the class
- cried (simple past tense)
參考: myself
2008-09-25 1:38 am
was (be) 可後加 -ed / -ing 作為 past tense (passive) / past continuous tense (active)
-> I [was frightened] by the noise. (我被那響聲嚇壞了。)
-> I [was playing] in the playground. (我那時正在在遊樂場玩遊戲。)

有 2 個改法,可改為﹕
-> She cried in the class. (即是你的第 2 句,是正確的)
-> She was crying in the class. [past continuous tense (active)]

要記住 be ,do, have 這三個字是 auxiliary verb ,
後可加 verb 的某種特定形態而形成一個 full verb 。
-> I [am taking] to you.
-> I [don't like] eating chicken wings.
-> I [have been] to China.

而 past tense 只是那個字的本身變化,
e.g. go | went | gone | going

如你的題目所問, 'was'(be) 'verb-ed' ,就是 passive voice 的 pattern ﹕
The passive voice is formed by using the correct form of be the past participle of the verb.
參考: Longman Grammar Explained, Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary
2008-09-24 8:57 pm
1) She was crying in the class.
2) She cried in the class yesterday.(或last。。。)
參考: me

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