
2008-09-24 6:05 pm
係要講Learning Skills(學習技考)嘅.

回答 (4)

2008-09-26 7:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
You learn more , you must remember more
You learn great, you must become great
You learn different, you must work different
You learn easy, you must see easy

2008-09-25 12:31 am
Learning Skills

So many tools lay before me
yet its an arduous process,
to see which is best for me.
Yet, Who would learn without
thousands of trials and errors?
But fear shall not be with me,
for i shall conquer this,
to develope my own tool,
to see and listen,
marching toward the road
to wisdom.

2008-09-24 16:32:01 補充:
參考: , me
2008-09-24 8:31 pm
Learning Skills

We all have a different learning skills
We use it for study and learn,
Use the learning skills everyday till
You know how to earn.

Now think and choose and decide
Which learning skills you want,
With your parents stay beside
Run and think until you pant!

You know which skills you need
Then use it and don't do a weed!
參考: me
2008-09-24 6:56 pm
My learning skills

Everyone have their learning skills
choosing your owns
you won't be ill.

My learning skills
having preparation
before the lessons begin
having revisions
before you sleep.

My learning is simple but meaningful,
chose your owns
you learning will be successful

參考: me

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