science問題,打火機lighter,very urgent麻煩幫手!!一日時間20點

2008-09-24 3:50 pm
- history
- 點用
- 原理
- 有咩危險




回答 (2)

2008-09-24 5:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
History :
The first lighter was invented by Johann Wolfgang Döbereiner in 1823.
It accelerated during the first World War. Soldiers used matches to find their way in the dark, but the intense initial flare of matches gave away their position, alot of lives were lost . So the need for fire without a large initial flare was born. Inventors started improving the design of lighters when the war ended, they were able to be produced fast, easier and cheaper

A spark is created by striking metal against a flint, In naphtha lighters the liquid is volatile enough that flammable gas is present as soon as the top of the lighter is opened. Butane lighters combine the striking action with the opening of the valve to release gas. The spark ignites the flammable gas causing a flame to come out of the lighter

Theory :
Lighters using a wick which is immersed in the fluid and becomes saturated. This type usually has a fiber packing material which absorbs the liquid to keep it from leaking. They also must have an enclosed top to prevent the volatile liquid from evaporating, and to conveniently extinguish the flame. Butane lighters have a valved orifice that meters the butane as it escapes as a gas.
A metal enclosure with air holes generally surrounds the flame, and is designed to allow mixing of fuel and air while making the lighter less sensitive to wind. The high energy jet in butane lighters allows mixing to be accomplished by using Bernoulli's principle, so that the air hole(s) in this type tend to be much smaller and farther from the flame. In a plastic butane lighter this metal enclosure also regulates the distance from the valve to the beginning of the flame. If the flame is too close to the valve, there is a risk of the flame melting some, most, or all of the plastic components of the lighter which are in close proximity to the valve.

Safety :
As matches, lighters, and other heat sources are the leading causes of fire deaths for children.
參考: Wikipedia & myself
2008-09-24 3:53 pm



發生於18世紀中-19世紀中的工業革命,使歐洲的每一個行業都經歷了深刻的變革,打火裝置的製造業了不例外。在1853年-1856年的克裡米亞戰爭中,最大的贏家似乎不是某個國家,面是蓬勃興起的香煙工業,由此,香煙工業與打火機製造業成為命運不可分割的一對孿生兄弟。大約1898年前後,一種採用了引信技術的打火機誕生了。立即成為市場上異常受歡迎的產品。這種產品被稱為「魔術珍燈」(magic pocket lamp),它使用的雷管和打火的原理和今天的玩具槍相當類似。



在今天,提到打火機,很多人都會第一時間想到ZIPPO,作為吸煙客,擁有一部ZIPPO打火機簡直成為某種生活態度的象徵,當它的翻蓋打開發出「噌」的聲音時,連不受吸煙的人都會為之著迷。1932年,首部經典樣工的ZIPPO打火機出現在市場上,當時很多製作廠商還癡迷於不斷地設計新產品以滿足消費者變幻莫測的口味,這與工業革命後興起的「拋棄式」消費浪潮有著密切的關係。而ZIPPO的哲學是「以不變應萬變」,從它推出第一部打火機至今,它的標誌性外觀設計從未改變。他的原創者george grant blaisdell將一種產於奧地利的打火機的原型加以改進,使之更加方便實用,並給他自己重新設計的打火機起了一個簡短而令人印象深刻的名字ZIPPO。ZIPPO可以說是一夜成名,它在美軍中相當受歡迎,在第二次世界大戰、越南戰爭乃至朝鮮戰爭期間,很多美軍士兵都將自己的姓名、出生日期甚至願望都刻在ZIPPO上,這其中的許多打火機都被留在了戰場上。面這些被遺留下來的戰爭紀念品,在今天的愛好者中也成為炙手可熱的收藏品。


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