Fitzroy, Vic - an area to live for family?

2008-09-24 2:50 am
we might be moving to fitzroy. i was told that there could be drugs and prostitutes problem in the area. is that true?

it's actually located on eildon street perhaps more on st kilda side.

回答 (5)

2008-09-25 1:47 pm
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I also have to agree with the first answerer.
I currently live in St Kilda. It's very much a place for young adults if you ask me. That's not to say people don't raise families here, however; it's not a typical suburban neighbourhood. Fitzroy is a little more suburban, and it's not renowned for drugs, prostitutes etc. Anymore than any other suburb. I know of a few leagalised brothels in fitzroy. I kow of some in other suburbs too though. From what i see, Fitzroy is home to dual income families with no kids, or the typical australian 'bogan'. Here is an 'urban' dictionary definition:
Like Sayfre said, Fitzroy, nor it's surrounding suburbs aren't a very good spot for kids to ride bikes, or play at the park.
but if you're looking for wide open spaces for kids to play, easy access to schools and kindergartens, you may want to look to different suburbs. [Canterbury, Surrey Hills, Box Hill, Balwyn, Kew, Camberwell, Hawthorn, Hawthorn East areas are more appropriate.]
Like the second answerer stated, some parts of NORTH Fitzroy are fair areas for raising children. This is unfortunately, on the OTHER side of fitzroy, the non-St Kilda side.
Fitzroy proper is also extraordinarily expensive given that it is a gentrified industrial suburb with very small housing blocks and practically no room for children to play. It does have some bogans, but is changing into more of a second St Kilda for the young adults, with trendier clubs, bars, etc. I would say the biggest problem even where i live, is alcahol abuse too.
Sorry if we put you off a little, but i prefer to be honest.
The kids will be just fine! Fitzroy is just very 'nightlife' as is St Kilda. I love it here, but I'm 19. It's a scary place for young children.

EDIT: I have done a google earth check, You're close to box hill/burwood. You should be fine! You are just north of the eastern free-way. I'd say, in the most blunt way, probably the bad side. However, the south side is very close, and you will be in great range for good schools, kindergartens, etc. there. Its a safer area on the south side.

2008-09-24 4:23 am
Working backwards - Fitzroy is not renowned for prostitution (that's more St Kilda's claim to fame); but you can find prostitutes practically anywhere in Melbourne. And there probably are legalised brothels in Fitzroy - although I'm not personally aware of any.

Drugs - yeah. There's drugs in Fitzroy. But again, you'll find drugs anywhere in Melbourne. You just need to know who the local dealer is. But Fitzroy is NOT a *drug capital* or anything. It's no more prevalent in Fitzroy than in Carlton, Prahran, or Toorak. So I wouldn't worry about the drugs (as a reason not to move there).

As for "family" - what age group are you referring to? Fitzroy tends to be more the younger set - DINKS (dual income no kids). A lot of mid-20s to mid-30s, living the inner city lifestyle.

So if you're looking for parks and streets where kids can play and ride their bikes, Fitzroy's probably not the area you are looking for. Don't get me wrong, there certainly are parts of Fitzroy where families live; but if you're looking for wide open spaces for kids to play, easy access to schools and kindergartens, you may want to look further afield.
2016-12-18 6:51 am
Fitzroy Suburb
2008-09-24 11:39 pm
i know families who live there, but most of them have quite young kids so danger really isnt an issue yet
but for teenagers who go out themselves it would be a problem because they could quite easy run into a druggo
and they definetly wouldnt be able to come home after dark

...oh so it's in st kilda
that's fine, heaps of my friends live in st kilda, it's safe, dont worry
it's quite easy to avoid the nightclubs

i would choose north fitzroy to bring up kids, that's where i grew up
but year fitzroy is full of drunk aboriginals, especially on smith st
2008-09-24 1:36 pm
As usual I agree with Safyre. I would add that NORTH Fitzroy is a very good area for bringing up kids, with big parks, wide streets, and a good State primary school. It is physically elevated and separated from Fitzroy proper by a 6-lane freeway. A little further out there are lots more good suburbs.

Fitzroy proper is also extraordinarily expensive given that it is a gentrified industrial suburb with very small housing blocks and practically no room for children to play. Thirty years ago (when I lived there) it was spoken of in hushed tones as a very low-class, bad place to live, and it did have a lot of brothels at that time. It is now chock full of trendy restaurants, cafes and bars, and parking there is almost impossible at any time.

In my long experience, the biggest drug problem in Fitzroy is alcohol abuse.
參考: experience

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