f.4,,mathz,,can the value of k be 1? and,,,

2008-09-24 5:46 am
It is given that the graph of y=(k-1)x^2+3x-4 has two different x-intercepts.

a) Can the value of k be 1?
b) Find the range of values of k.

回答 (2)

2008-09-24 5:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
a) Sub k=1 into y
i.e., y= (1-1)x^2+3x-4
y= 3x-4
general formula y=mx+c is a st.line
a st.line can never have 2 x-intercepts
therefore k cannot be 1.

b) by delta = b^2 -4ac
i.e., 3^2-4(k-1)(-4) = 9+16k-16 = 16k - 7
according to the data given, there're 2 different x-intercepts
therefore delta > 0
i.e., 16k-7 > 0
16k > 7
k > 7/16
參考: me
2008-09-24 6:30 am
A part 用代數計到INTERCEPT得1個 (JUST A 補充TO第1個答題的人)
B part {-b〔+/-〕b^2-4ac} /2a >0 因此can求得不等式(inequality)來求k(於已知abc情況下)

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