十月中, 本人到西藏旅行, 請問事前要有什麼準備呢? 需唔需要身體檢查及要帶備什麼? 這邊天氣氣温如何? 要帶什麼衣服? 謝謝....
回答 (4)
Just want to remind you to bring SPF30 gel, instant hand sanitizer & flashlight 電筒 (cuz electricity supply in Tibet is sometimes interrupted).
Although it's not the rainy season in October, I think it’s better to bring an umbrella (it's important for lady).
When I left Shigatse 日喀則 and returned to Lhasa (maybe National Highway 318), I didn’t see any restroom or outhouse for more than 3 hours. There are no trees or shrubs around, but only the eroding slope. At that moment, I understood why some backpackers suggested me to bring an umbrella.
Have a nice trip!
P.S. Don’t drink too much water if you care about the restroom problem.
其實十月的天氣應該是最好, 雨季剛過, 但又未到冬天, 去林芝可以睇秋天景色, 去珠峰或阿里都不會下雪封山封路, 而且淡季開始, 旅館/包車的價錢也會較便宜。
之前在我個 BLOG 轉載了「冬遊西藏」的文章, 或者你可以睇睇。
西藏10月已經很涼, 拉薩會好小小, 但是晚上還是很冷的, 一定要帶棉衣或是羽絨.
因為是高原, 高山反應是第一要注意的事, 若是坐飛機, 第一,二天不能安排活動, 只可以在市內觀光. 頭痛藥及傷風藥一定要帶, 若真是高山反應, 可以在當地買氧氣樽來吸, 或買釭景天藥來食...
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