change it into english-----URGENT

2008-09-24 4:56 am
CHANGE it into simple english

回答 (2)

2008-09-25 11:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
Teamworks Motion Pictures Limited is the film production company set up by Andy Lau for the movie business. However, currently due to shareholders' problem, it affects his works in movie business. The relationship between partners get worse.
Andy Lau claim Teamworks Motion Pictures Limited for HKD 15 million as remuneration as actors and also HKD 153.6 million compensation. This is similar to shut out Andy's performance business. Finally, the shareholders came into an agreement out of the court.
請問中文句子中是否有些句子被刪掉? 因為第五和六行的文氣不通.
2008-09-25 5:07 am
The backdrop company is Liu Dehua for the motion picture industry start investment movie company, but the present because of the shareholder question, instead has actually interfered with own movie work, both sides partner relations worsening. Liu Dehua pursued to the backdrop company is behind in payment he 15,000,000 HK dollar actor remuneration for services rendered to have to reach as high as 153,600,000 HK dollars compensations. This was equal to comprehensively forces out Liu's acting career final both sides out of court settlement
參考: micosoft word

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