
2008-09-24 3:33 am


回答 (4)

2008-09-25 1:06 am
唔知你地有無聽過貨幣供應M1, M2 同M3呢?以下供各位參考:
The Federal Reserve previously published data on three monetary aggregates, but now it only publishes data on 2 of them. The first, M1, is made up of types of money commonly used for payment, basically currency (M0) and checking deposits. The second, M2, includes M1 plus balances that generally are similar to transaction accounts and that, for the most part, can be converted fairly readily to M1 with little or no loss of principal. The M2 measure is thought to be held primarily by households. The third aggregate, M3, which is no longer published, included M2 plus certain accounts that are held by entities other than individuals and are issued by banks and thrift institutions to augment M2-type balances in meeting credit demands; it also includes balances in money market mutual funds held by institutional investors. The aggregates have had different roles in monetary policy as their reliability as guides has changed. The following details their principal components[14]:

M0: The total of all physical currency, plus accounts at the central bank that can be exchanged for physical currency.
M1: M0 - those portions of M0 held as reserves or vault cash + the amount in demand accounts ("checking" or "current" accounts).
M2: M1 + most savings accounts, money market accounts, and small denomination time deposits (certificates of deposit of under $100,000).
M3: M2 + all other CDs (large time deposits, institutional money market mutual fund balances), deposits of eurodollars and repurchase agreements.
中央銀行都要為有問題銀行提供信貸,而美國政府正係做緊呢個工作叫做Lender to the last resort,因為要保障存戶利益。好多經濟書本都有這方面的討論。
2008-09-24 10:01 pm
In my opinion, it is impossible for US keep printing notes, since all the notes on market must be based on gold reserve. Refer to your question, it will be for sure increase inflation by increase money supply.
However, it looks there is no problem on US government financing, just becuse US government can borrow money from international.
And for the bank case, since notes printing is based on gold reserve, and all the things need to monitor and control by the government, so it is impossible for bank to lie how much money they have.
2008-09-24 6:52 pm
2008-09-24 3:55 am
以上的全是非法的,如果政府授權,那麽政府信任危機可能有問題,而且政府可以印,但是貨幣全訠有紀錄,因為如果少不能救,解決一個危機 最少要 以萬億計美金,一般來是天文數字,不是印一千萬或一憶,所以太大規模,很難不被人發現,我有幾個疑問,先解答

2008-09-24 19:42:06 補充:

2008-09-25 20:17:56 補充:

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