
2008-09-24 2:18 am
when I back on my childhood I wonder how I survived at all. It was, of
course, a miserable childhood:the happy childhood is hardly worth your
while. Worse than the odinary miserable childhood is the miserable Irish
childhood, and worse yet is the miserable Irish Catholic childhood.
People everywhere brag and whimper about the woes of their early years, but
nothing acan compare twith the Irish version:the poverty,the shiftless
loquacious alcoholic father, the pious dedeated mother moaning by the fire,
pompous priests, bullying schoolmsasters, the English and the terrrible things
they did to us for eight hundred long years.

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2008-09-24 5:21 am
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參考: 自己
2008-09-24 2:53 am
當I 後面在我的童年我想知道怎麼我生存了根本。它是, 當然, 淒慘的childhood:the 愉快的童年幾乎不在價值您的一會兒。壞比odinary 淒慘的童年淒慘的愛爾蘭童年, 和更壞是淒慘的愛爾蘭寬容童年。人們到處自誇和抽噎地哭關於他們的早年愁楚, 但□什麼acan 比較twith 愛爾蘭version:the 貧窮, shiftless 多話的醺酒的父親, 虔誠dedeated 母親呻吟由火、壯麗的教士、脅迫的schoolmsasters 、英國和terrrible 事他們做對我們八百長的年。
2008-09-24 2:26 am
當I 後面在我的童年我想知道怎麼我生存了根本。它是, 當然, 淒慘的childhood:the 愉快的童年幾乎不在價值您的一會兒。壞比odinary 淒慘的童年淒慘的愛爾蘭童年, 和更壞是淒慘的愛爾蘭寬容童年。人們到處自誇和抽噎地哭關於他們的早年愁楚, 但□什麼acan 比較twith 愛爾蘭version:the 貧窮, shiftless 多話的醺酒的父親, 虔誠dedeated 母親呻吟由火、壯麗的教士、脅迫的schoolmsasters 、英國和terrrible 事他們做對我們八百長的年。
參考: 英文

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