野村證券購買雷曼亞洲業務, 對迷你債券苦主有幫助嗎?

2008-09-23 7:28 pm

回答 (6)

2008-09-23 9:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實迷你債券35的抵押品全部在信托人〔匯豐銀行〕,目前祇欠做掉期的〔莊家〕 ---- 這角式是有錢賺的.可能野村或後來收購的投資銀行是白武士!!!


2008-09-23 14:02:57 補充:
(經濟通》9月22日 星期一 11:36

《經濟通通訊社22日專訊》據外國傳媒引述消息指出,渣打集團 (02888)、巴克萊銀行及日本 野村集團競購雷曼兄弟亞洲業務,當中包括投資銀行、定息工具及證券業務等。


2008-09-23 14:31:12 補充:

更新日期:2008/09/22 20:40


2008-09-23 15:03:50 補充:

2008-09-26 12:23:21 補充:
奪金迷你債券35 〔雙贏〕方案

根據條文,在迷你債券做滿一年,發行商可自行終止合約.將〔全數〕本金歸還迷你債券小投資人,故此,請敦促 HSBC 切勿提前拍賣抵押品,而等到每系列的第一年滿期(期間有無利息不重要,最緊要保住本金),全數歸還迷你債券小投資人。這是〔雙贏〕方案。
2008-09-24 11:40 am
民主黨 主席 何俊仁 ,宣布成立 雷曼兄弟苦主大聯盟
屯門大興邨興輝樓地下15及22號 .電話:2463 0399 .傳真:2462 8368
電郵: [email protected]
2008-09-24 7:27 am
我個人相信 迷你債券35及36的抵押品可能並非 CDO. 因該兩series在發生次按(2007年10月發生的)之後出的. 2008年1月出的迷你債券如果仍用CDO做抵押,相信無人很肯借錢啦,請指正。
2008-09-24 2:07 am
The value of the mini bonds actually depends on the value of the CDOs. It is the wicked intention of Lehman to off-load these knowingly high risk CDOs to the public by re-packaging them as AAA grade securities as gaurantees for the MBs, and at the same time purposely misled our attention to the low risks of the credit-linking blue chip companies and away from the risk of the CDOs. In doing so they washed their hands by saying that they were not liable if the CDOs' value is less than the face value of the MBs.

In such case what we should press for a party to take up the swap arrangementuntil the maturity of the MBs. To sell them now at fire sale prices will not be in the interest of the MB holders (unless if the admin cost is too high). But if the CDOs are actually issued by Lehman, then that will be a very different (sad) story.
2008-09-23 11:18 pm
Here is the 債券苦主 Blog each 1

2008-09-23 8:14 pm

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