Thermal Expansion of an Ideal Gas

2008-09-23 9:07 am
The pressure P , volume V , number of moles n , and Kelvin temperature T
of an ideal gas are related by the equation PV= nRT , where R is a constant. Prove that the coefficient of volume expansion for an ideal gas is equal to the reciprocal of the Kelvin temperature if the expansion occurs at constant pressure.

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2008-09-24 5:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
Since PV = nRT
P(dV) = nR(dT) when pressure P is kept constant
thus, dV/dT = nR/P

Coefficient of volume expansion of a gas is defined as the gractional change in volume of the gas per degree change in temperature.

Mathematically, coefficeient of expansion = (1/V).(dV/.dT)
thus, coefficient of expansion = ((1/V).(nR/P) = (P/nRT).(nR/P) = 1/T

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 17:26:10
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