《評論》about賽馬會體藝中學 10點!!!

2008-09-24 6:36 am
沙田賽馬會體藝中學雖然是一間英中,不過是一間沒有愛心的中學,而且歷屆會考的成績都是十分平平。小兒在這裏讀了四年,竟然沒有一年參加過學校所舉辨的Christmas Party,對學校可說是完全沒歸屬感,而且記起在F2那年,有些Miss / Sir竟然說這所學校將會轉中中,全因為有了你們這些學生,作為一個老師竟然會說出這一番話來,十分傷害小孩子的心靈,所以說這是一間沒有愛心的中學是沒有錯的。本人在午飯時曾經過沙田火炭區,看見過一些體藝中學的學生吸煙,而女生們的校服裙是超短的。在家裏,他經常和弟妹吵架,對於父母親連一些基本的孝順和尊重父母的態度也沒有,可想而知體藝中學的校風是那樣的差。在學術上和德行上,這所中學都不合格,所以請大家不要選這間中學。

回答 (6)

2010-03-28 5:00 am
我覺得子女是家長管教的關係,唔好咩都懶,體藝一定係一間好中學, 你所講的看見過一些體藝中學的學生吸煙,而女生們的校服裙是超短的,那些學生是有錯,但一定給學校罰過了,你的仔女唔鍾意去christmas ball 學校都冇計..唔通強迫佢去? 自己個仔唔鍾意去交際場合,又懶! 仲有體藝一定唔會change去中中.... e家都個校長都係外國人! 唔好將你自己的不滿放落去體藝到, 叫人唔好去-0-
唔好誤導其他人啦! 就算體藝唔比以前好, 而家既學生都唔會差, 仲有好多人係愛學校,愛體藝,, 會令體藝變得更好!
2010-03-15 6:31 am
我承認係有少數學生食煙...咁又點???間間學校都有人食煙ga la
2009-07-17 8:48 pm
I think 沙田賽馬會體藝中學 is a good collage.It is relly a good collage. You don't like it ,is because you don't enjoy the time in the school .And you sad that you have never go to the Christmas.p ,that is your proburm.

2009-07-17 12:48:07 補充:
I also study in 沙田賽馬會體藝中學 ,I it is a good collage .And the time i study in 沙田賽馬會體藝中學 is the best time in my life.
2009-02-07 4:07 am
而你話你個仔4年都冇去過CHRISTMAS BALL,,,,呢個reason唔足以話你個仔對學校沒歸屬感



2009-02-06 20:09:11 補充:
2008-10-08 7:07 am
沙田賽馬會體藝中學 is really giving too much freedom to the student, they will not push the student to work hard even for some laze student.

2008-10-07 23:07:55 補充:
It will let them have a choice to join the after school enhancement class or not. We in our parent side, have always given support to him, but he always refuse our voice. You may well awared that in this year 08-09, for their Form 1 class,

2008-10-07 23:08:14 補充:
each class has only about 33 students average, not 40 students compare with other English teaching College (Band 1 School). The negative voice will run by itself, no one can stop it. If you want your children to study in this kind of school,

2008-10-07 23:08:24 補充:
no one can prevent you to apply this college. l just want to bring the fact to all you that 沙田賽馬會體藝中學 is not the one you think is BAND 1. Thx. for your reply.

2008-10-08 00:19:17 補充:
Although沙田賽馬會體藝中學 has a marvellous campus, such as its own swimming pool, gym centres etc., the most important things are the attitude of the teacher and the learning circumstance of the student. A disappointed parent. Thx. for your attention.
2008-10-07 11:24 pm
對於上述的評論,我對不完全認同,會考成績優劣,並不能斷定一間學校的好壞。而是否參與學校的christmas party 是學生的自由,我們不能單以一個活動的出席率來決定對某一團體的歸屬感,對於有關老師的言論、校服儀容及品行,家長大可向該校提出,讓校方徹查,我相信該校會認真處理,單方面的指控,實在令人難以信服。

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