Can anyone help me visit New Zealand?

2008-09-23 12:05 am
On May 12th 2002, I was involved in a tragic Road accident, which put me in a 24 day coma. But the biggest supprise and miracle was when I "went to heaven". Long story- 'cos the biggest supprise was when I came out of it, my girlfriend asked me where I was and I told her that I was in New Zealand. I want to visit this country- which I believe God revealed for me!! God knows it as my dream; the dream he gave me- Can anyone help?

回答 (3)

2008-09-23 3:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
new zealand is not part of australia, book a flight and go there
2008-09-24 10:32 am
join the wwoof program - willing workers on organic farms. you will get to live and know the locals which is always precious if you want to enjoy the country. it pays your accomm n food during your stay, working only 4 light hours of work.

i had been in a tragic accident too. i understand very much how you feel. do go for it. we need changes - the former part of our lives seem not exist anymore.. i am moving somewhere very soon, to australia from asia.

good luck and bless u.
2008-09-23 1:59 pm
in case you are looking for help by way of booking air tickets,hotel bookings etc.then contact at e-mail [email protected]
karun malhotra mobile 9810270820.

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