What value of t makes the following expressions: 3t, t+4 and 2t+2 equal?

2008-09-22 9:31 am

回答 (11)

2008-09-22 9:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
t + 4 = 2t + 2
2 = t

3 * 2 = 2 + 4 = 2 * 2 + 2
6 = 6 = 6 <--- ominous!

3t3t3t, the number of the beast.
2008-09-22 10:18 am
3t = 2t + 2
3t - 2t = 2
t = 2
2008-09-22 9:57 am
3x2=6, 2+4=6, 2x2+2=6

The value of t = caffeine, lol.
(A drink with jam and bread?)
The value of 2= 1 not lonely, hehe.

What makes it =?
= = product, fruit
The = is = to what it's x
Only in spirit is what is = = to xGod.

I 1's was blind, but xF8Hic.

Hey, what is the root of 3.33?
And what is the true product/origin of 3x1?
Tricky? How can it be both?
Alpha and Omega. Beginning and end.

If H2o is water, and o2 is air, what is the symbol (DNA, hehe) of/for spirit?
2008-09-22 9:43 am
this is simple question and all of them was right the answer is t=2
2008-09-22 9:42 am
2008-09-22 9:41 am
Start with solving an equation with 2 of the expression:

3t = t + 4 // -t

2t = 4 // divide by 2

t = 2

Now, you know that t + 4 =3t = 3*2 = 6.

What will be if you plug t=2 into the 3rd expression:
2*2 + 2 = 6.
2008-09-22 9:39 am
he's right. t=2.
just work 2 equations independently, no need to do anything fancy for this one.

3t=t+4 and t+4=2t+2
2t=4 and 2=t
2008-09-22 9:36 am
well, set 2 of them equal:

3t = t+4

solve for t, t = 2

fortunately, the 3rd equation works, too. They are all 6.
2008-09-22 9:36 am
make t+4 and 2t+2 equal and you'll get t=2

2008-09-22 9:35 am
t = 2

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