
2008-09-23 7:25 am

if someone said she was not tell lie , then she is telling lies .

回答 (4)

2008-09-23 1:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If someone says they have never told a lie, then they are actually telling a lie.
Singular "their" etc., was an accepted part of the English language before the 18th-century grammarians started making arbitrary judgements as to what is "good English" and "bad English", ... And even after the old-line grammarians put it under their ban, this anathematized singular "their" construction never stopped being used by English-speakers, both orally and by serious literary writers. So it's time for anyone who still thinks that singular "their" is so-called "bad grammar" to get rid of their prejudices and pedantry!

tense: 我用says而唔用said, 因為你應該覺得這個假設係「幾時都正確」的, 所以不使用past tense。
要表達「從來無講大話」: 噤就一定要用never ( present perfect tense),去加重語氣啦!
你用she,噤someone係he,又如何?或者情況調轉又怎麼辨?為了避免將someone寫成he or she, his or her, 於是很多English-speakers(尤其係對話時)都用they/ them (or em)/ their當singular form噤用。雖然曾經很多反對的聲音, 但致今亦逐漸地被接受。 
actually解「實際上」, 令句子更加全神。


但係如果作文時,就適宜避免噤用, 以防被當作錯誤的用法。

2008-09-23 07:11:56 補充:
另一個不用分性別的寫法, 就是用ONE字。

If one says one has never told a lie, then one is actually telling a lie.

2008-09-23 07:12:02 補充:

one = pron. (代名詞 pronoun) (名詞 noun) 一個人,任何人
One can not learn a language well unless one works hard.

2008-09-25 08:26:07 補充:
問題的例句和我的譯本都是指說話者對「一般情況」的看法, 而並非講述某一次。

如果係指某一次 (而又已知telling a lie是事實), 根本不需要用if, 時式更加要改做past tense。

He said he had never told a lie, but actually he was telling a lie.

2008-09-25 08:42:31 補充:
我的譯本之所以寫得噤肯定 (無probably), 完全因為我覺得這是說話者對「一般情況」的判斷, 他認為這是「最有可能的結果」, 所以連probably都不用。 如果用, 就不能有效地反映出說話者講此番話時對自己推斷的信心。言下之意, 說話者很有信心, 這就是事實。

2008-09-28 12:19:32 補充:
很多English-speakers(尤其係對話時)都用they/ them (or em)/ their當singular form噤用

實例: Longman Dictionary > no (adverb)

7. won't take no for an answer if SOMEONE won't take no for an answer, THEY are determined that you should agree to do something:

用 they 去代表 someone

2008-09-28 12:21:26 補充:
http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/no_1 > no (adverb) > 第7個解釋
2008-09-23 10:14 pm
If she is said to be not telling lies, she is probably telling lies then.
參考: Myself
2008-09-23 8:42 pm
She's probably lying if she said "I am not lying.".

If someone says they have never told a lie, then they are actually telling a lie.
引用上面o的答案(個have 要用had)
如果你真係想寫一個concept, 我都會用呢個.
但係如果你係寫緊一個situtation o的話, 用個呢個可能會好o的.

好睇你點睇: probably定fact
你覺得係fact o的話
就可以用: If someone says they had never told a lie, they are telling a lie for sure.
咁樣o的話你讀果陣個sure 係後面就可以加重語氣
我會唔用then 都唔洗因為個then 我覺得會斬左句野做一半
不過你好驚佢mark 你 grammar 錯就加返 then 啦

寫呢o的野好睇你寫緊乜野,係乜情況. 因而先可以選擇用咩字先最合適
參考: self+上面個answer
2008-09-23 10:49 am
I would rather say :

If someone said (that) she did not tell lies, then she is probably telling a lie.

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