
2008-09-23 6:48 am
Song of the Rabbits Outside the Tavern
We who play under the pines,
We who dance in the snow
That shines blue in the light of the moon
Sometimes halt as we go,
Stand with our ears erect,
Our noses testing the air,
To gaze at the golden world
Behind the windows there.

Suns they have in a cave
And stars each on a tall white stem,
And the thought of fox or night owl
Seems never to trouble them,
They laugh and eat and are warm,
Their food seems ready ar hand,
While hungry out in the cold
We little rabbits stand.


{Song of the Rabbits Outside the Tavern} 這是題目來的!!

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2008-09-24 7:43 am
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Song of the Rabbits Outside the Tavern

We who play under the pines,
We who dance in the snow
我們齊在飄雪中起舞 (頭兩句是交代兔子在冬天也是活於雪中)
That shines blue in the light of the moon
雪在月光下發出藍光 (白雪反射的光帶一點藍 [自己在娜威的經驗])
Sometimes halt as we go,
我們會有時動有時靜 (兔子仍需覓食, 但也要避開其他動物)
Stand with our ears erect,
站著時用會耳朵細聽 (用耳朵細聽周圍是否安全)
Our noses testing the air,
鼻子輕嗅身邊的空氣 (也要嗅一嗅周圍有沒有食物)
To gaze at the golden world
Behind the windows there.
正好在那玻璃窗之內 (這兩句說明兔子在屋外看到裡面; 屋內因火而發出金光, 吸引了兔子圍觀)

Suns they have in a cave
"他們"的太陽在小洞內 (火在火爐內)
And stars each on a tall white stem,
星星在白色的高架上 (火在蠟燭上)
And the thought of fox or night owl
狐狸與夜鷂共鳴之聲 (兔子對貓頭鷹和狐狸的叫聲很敏感, 但人卻不怕它們)
Seems never to trouble them,
沒令"他們"的節目掃興 (與上, 因人類不怕貓頭鷹和狐狸, 人類繼續狂歡)
They laugh and eat and are warm,
談笑之際盡在溫暖中 (因為有火, 人類可在溫暖環境中有講有笑, 更加有食物)
Their food seems ready at hand,
食物飲品被盡掃一空 (從兔子眼中看, 人類不需覓食也會有食物)
While hungry out in the cold
We little rabbits stand.
我們兔子在外結成眾 (兩句: 兔子們在冬天也要努力和大自然搏鬥, 但人類卻可以懶洋洋地狂歡)
參考: 自己+看作者資料
2008-09-24 2:34 am
兔子的歌曲在小酒館之外我們演奏在杉木之下, 我們跳舞在雪亮光藍色根據月亮有時止步不前當我們去, 站立與我們的耳朵筆直, 我們的鼻子測試空氣, 注視金黃世界在窗口之後那裡。

他們有在洞和星每個裡在一個高白色詞根的太陽, 並且狐狸或夜貓頭鷹想法從未似乎麻煩他們, 他們笑和吃和是溫暖的, 他們的食物似乎準備好ar 手, 當飢餓在寒冷我們小的兔子站立。
參考: 字典
2008-09-23 7:52 am
Song of the Rabbits Outside the Tavern旅館外的兔子之歌
We who play under the pines,我們在柏樹下玩耍
We who dance in the snow 在雪中跳舞
That shines blue in the light of the moon雪在月色下照耀得蔚藍
Sometimes halt as we go,我們走動時,偶爾停下來,
Stand with our ears erect,站著時豎起我們的耳朵,
Our noses testing the air,我們的鼻子探索著空氣,
To gaze at the golden world凝望著這裡的窗口後面的金色世界。
Behind the windows there.

Suns they have in a cave在一個洞穴裡,他們有太陽,
And stars each on a tall white stem,每枝高的白色莖上都有星星。
And the thought of fox or night owl狐狸和夜鷂的意象,
Seems never to trouble them,彷彿從來不會煩擾他們。
They laugh and eat and are warm,他們是暖和的,又笑又吃,
Their food seems ready at hand,他們的食物像是垂手可得,
While hungry out in the cold我們小兔子卻飢餓地站在外邊的寒冷中。
We little rabbits stand.

註:Suns they have.......至尾全段,是以兔子的角度,望進旅館,描寫人們的動態,所以頭兩句有些奇怪,我想 'suns'是指裡面的燈光,'a cave'是指旅館,而 第二句全句是指檯上的蠟燭,'stars'是指燭光。

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