幫朋友出asia miles 機票 (急)

2008-09-23 6:38 am
我朋友想去台灣, 我有足夠里數出機票.

1. 我想問可唔可只係用我mileage幫佢出機票 (而我又唔同佢上機).

2. 佢冇asia miles acct, 佢係唔係要先開acct, 我再加佢落我個朋友list 到?


回答 (2)

2008-09-27 1:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 絕對可以

2. 只要將你朋友加入你朋友名單中, 便可兌換機票而你朋友不用開ACCT. 我亦這樣做過
2008-09-24 4:22 am
1. Yup (as far as i know)
2. no. you can nominate your fd as the one who you can issue a redemption tix. Validity of such nomination is 2 years (if i remember correctly).

2008-09-28 17:59:59 補充:
Strictly speaking, it should be *WHOM*. Understand?

2008-09-30 08:24:37 補充:
Formally it should be *whom*, but *who* is generally used.

Everything must (goes)
I am (a) australian, xxx, yyy citizen(s) haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

2008-10-01 20:36:07 補充:
even primary school children ***knew*** that is a bad choice...


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