
2008-09-22 11:44 pm
因為我冇香港身份證﹐but有外國passport﹐我未婚夫o係香港﹐佢想我stay in hk with him﹐所以想o係香港註冊結婚﹐咁註冊之後可唔可以o係香港度做野ga???
but i just worry about 如果好似大陸D人嫁港人咁又要唔知等幾耐先批咪死得﹖﹖someone help me plz......^^

回答 (3)

2008-09-23 12:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
First of all, working and marriage are two different things.

Even though you don't marry to a HK permanent resident but if you get employed and you can then apply the working visa since it requires the employer to sign such form, then if you can succeed to obtain working permit, you can work in HK with such working visa and apply a temporary Hong Kong id card, thereafter if you stay HK for 7 years, you can get a permanent resident HK Id card.

If you marry to a HK guy, you still must stay in HK for 7 years to become a permanent resident.

FAQ from immigration department:

Q13: I am a Hong Kong permanent resident and my fiance is a foreigner with no right of abode in the HKSAR. Can she, as a spouse of a Hong Kong permanent resident, enjoy the right of abode in the HKSAR?

A13: Generally speaking, spouse of Hong Kong permanent resident cannot acquire the right of abode in the HKSAR by virtue of their marriage unless the spouse is eligible, on his/her own accord, for Hong Kong permanent resident status under any provision of Schedule 1 to the Immigration Ordinance.
參考: www.immd.gov.hk
2008-09-23 1:34 am
你去灣仔入境處申請就得, 結婚前都可以, 香港是優待外國 PASSPORT.
朋友帶外國妻子回流香港工作, 工作証很快批, 不過, 隔一段時間要離開香港, for example : 去深圳 或 澳門轉一轉.
2008-09-22 11:58 pm

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